About Us
Are we scholars? No. Can we and do we read scholarly material? Yes. Having backgrounds and previous practice in Catholicism, Mainline and Offshoot Protestantism, along with having examined various religions, sects, and cults, we are compelled to sift through the muck and mire to extract the truth. Looking at history and the early Greek manuscripts, both canonized and non-canonized, while applying logic is what we have found to be the most effective way to cut through the grease. Through the centuries, this grease buildup has clogged the pipes to such an extent that it is high time to call a spiritual plumber. Although those belief systems listed above, among others, say they each have the truth, it would be more accurate to say that each of them has a percentage of the truth that ranges from a minute to a substantial amount.
We believe that every person, whether atheist, agnostic, deist, or theist is confronted with truth at some point in their life. Whether they accept it or reject it is a defining moment for them. It is what our five senses experience and what our conscience is innately aware of that leads us to believe that existence is not some cosmic accident or cruel experiment.
Life and its purpose has been debated for ages. This seemingly unsolvable mystery, however, has substantial clues that point to a blueprint drawn by an intellect of unfathomable depths. This infinite intellect, however, allows even a child to understand. Take a shadow, for instance. To have one, there must be a light source. In order to comprehend how a shadow appears, there must be intelligence. In order to have intelligence, there must be inventive arrangement which leads one to ponder, ‘What is The Engineer’s aim and objective behind it all?’ In theological terms, a lot of what has been mentioned here and above is what’s known as “general revelation” or the “lesser light.” This is the first, universal step of truth put before mankind.
We feel the sense of what is right and wrong which circulates within an individual must be brought to the forefront and given serious consideration. There seems to be a common thread of this unseen awareness stitched from the inside. For example, in the past, we have had the opportunity to minister in various jails and prisons, and when asking those incarcerated if they remembered their conscience being stirred or at least discomforted the first time they committed a serious offense, the answer was a resounding, “Yes.” This only gives credibility to the belief that the conscience of a human being is initially hard-wired by the Creator which, in turn, makes one accountable.
To us, the stakes are high, and our hope is that all would contemplate what it is that’s actually at stake. For instance, if you were dehydrated and were offered a glass filled with 80% water and 20% arsenic, what would you do? We hope that anyone in their right mind would use reasoning to either reject it and look for another source, or filter what they have been offered through a special filtering system to get the arsenic out. What we are foremostly concerned with is not the body or the materialistic mind, but what has been created in the image and likeness of God; that is our souls which will live to the ages of the ages (gk. εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων). What we are all about is cutting through the grease in the pipes while trying to extract the truth from the poison. In this case, the poison is concocted of religiosity, churchianity, hyper emotionalism, cheap and easy believism, false doctrines, influences of malignant entities (not confined to this dimension), as well as brain washing and mind control.
In closing, let it be known that we are not naive in this undertaking, nor are we at a stage of enlightenment as to have all the answers. It’s just that our consciousness has been stirred to the point that we are compelled to use some logic and rational thinking when we try to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. Our goal is to be true worshipers who worship God in spirit and in truth as it’s recorded in the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John. If some will take a quick look at that chapter, they will see it is the historical Jesus (Yeshua) who informed us that the Father is seeking such to worship Him.